Girly Update

So, summer is nearly over school is back in session. I am once again trekking to and from campus for another semester at American University. Thus far classes are going well! I have one professor wanna-be (she is a grad student) who I am afraid I am going to struggle to understand her and her I the entire semester. But otherwise things are going well. I am enjoying my one none political science class, public speaking despite that it doesn’t let out until 11pm.

Kevin and I just finished our last weekend at Ohiopyle this past weekend. It was uneventful. A good thing for those of you who know that I got myself into a bit of a predicament two weeks earlier. Despite raining both evenings the weather during the day was chilly but tolerable.

Additionally, wedding planning is coming along nicely. It still feels great to have a location. We are now working out some of the less glamorous details, although still amazingly fun for people like me who enjoy the planning side of things!

I enjoy opening up my google page and having it tell me how many days I have left till the wedding and am kind of sad that I’ll probably be too preoccupied the day of and before to see the countdown of one day left and it telling me it has arrived. Of course the trade off is that I’ll actually be getting married so I think I’ll keep things as planned.

This weekend we are planning on going back to Danville to visit the good ole Bloomsburg Fair. I was just this chilly morning reminiscing about feeding sheep before school. This brought amazing pleasure to Kevin although I didn’t get a sense of envy. But I digress, we will be eating anything and everything fried, if you don’t believe me you should really come check it out. I will be devouring Dippin’ Dots!

As for now I will go to meet my future husband to make pizza and head off to campus for my evening class while he does work! I look forward to tonight as much as I do the rest of my life with him. (There’s the girlie part!)

Nerdly Update

Fixed some technical issues with the site. I wrote some anti-SQL-Injection code that turned out to break when you fed it a question mark. Oops. Fixed that so that the code is secure again, and you can enter data with question marks and it will go through just fine.

Centered some text on the Wedding page also, per Kelsey’s request. I added links to The Atrium’s website and to Google Maps showing the location of The Atrium. You can use the Google Maps thing to map out directions from wherever you are coming from to the place. I’ll do the same with the hotels when we get that info.

I also fixed a bug on the edit page that caused an additional line break to be added every time we clicked the “Update” button … so if anyone was wondering why the space between the two paragraphs of Kelsey’s bio on the Wedding page kept growing and growing, that was it. preg_replace() is my friend (although not in the case of the ? replacement, because it was what caused my code to break). The previous comment means nothing to anyone who doesn’t code in Perl / PHP.

That’s about it for now … I’ll be working on some other stuff in the near future, such as posting the rest of those photos (which Kelsey keeps getting on me about, since I should have done it months ago …)

— Kevin, 10:20 PM, American University, Washington DC

We Have a Date and Destination!

Wedding updates!! We’ve chosen a location and with that decision included choosing a date! So Kevin and I will join together officially in front of all of you on May 25th, 2008 at The Atrium. It is in Butler, PA.

As for the other wedding planning it is going quite well! Actually, Kevin and I jokingly said that we had the wedding planned with the exception of the date and location. And while that is a bit of an exaggeration the concept is true. Now we get to have fun planning the fun details! Feel free to drop a note with any ideas or suggestions. And Kevin and I look forward to hosting and sharing our wedding with you through this site.

Site Updates and Camping

So I made a few updates to the site. I put all of the wedding info under the Wedding section. The homepage now contains the most recent blog entry, the most recent four photos that were posted, the most recent video posted, and the most recent guestbook entry. This will allow visitors to see if there has been any updated content on the site since their last visit. It also reconfigures the site to be about Kelsey and I in general instead of being just a dedicated wedding site, which I think is more useful in the long run.

Last weekend, Kelsey and I went camping with my parents. We went to the Ohiopyle State Campground and spent Friday and Saturday night there. Friday night, we had hot dogs and toasted pound cake topped with pudding and fresh berries.

We had toad-in-the-holes the next morning (bread with a hole cut in the middle and an egg dropped in the hole) with toast. Kelsey went rafting and my parents and I went for a seven mile walk on the rail trail out of Confluence. After the rail trail walk, we went for ice cream in Confluence and a snack at the Ohiopyle House Cafe. For dinner, Kelsey and I made taco salad and pizza mountain pies. We then went to the drive in movie theater to watch Transformers. Everyone enjoyed it.

Sunday morning, Kelsey and I made mountain pie pancakes, bacon, and home fried potatoes fried in the bacon grease with pineapple on the side. Kelsey went rafting again and my parents and I toured Fallingwater (one of Frank Lloyd Wright’s houses). We went for dinner at The Pub next to Wilderness Voyageurs across the river in Ohiopyle. My parents and I met up with Kelsey after she got of the river, said our goodbyes, and headed home. We all had a great time. It was the first time my mom had been camping in fifteen years.

Wednesday of this week, Kelsey got in a car accident. She hit her head pretty badly against the car window during the impact, and was taken to the emergency room in an ambulance. She was given some painkillers and they ran a CT scan on her to make sure there was no serious internal damage. They determined that the damage was limited to bruising on the outside of her head, and that she had a concussion. The ER put her on a regiment of ibuprofen and muscle relaxant and sent her home with me. I stayed home with her Thursday and Friday, since I had to make sure that for the first 48 hours she didn’t sleep for more than three hours at a time, and to make sure she took her drugs on the prescribed schedule. She’s doing much better now, even though she still has a headache from it. Luke stopped down in DC to pick up the car and take it back to Danville for repairs.

We stayed home this weekend as a result of the accident. We caught up on our sleep, and I got the new Harry Potter book at the midnight release party on Friday night at Politics and Prose. We have spent the weekend straightening up the apartment, reading, and relaxing. Oh, and updating the website. 🙂

— Kevin, 9:33 PM, Washington DC

New Photos

I’ve started posting new photos as of this morning. I hope to have most of them done tonight, since I finally have some free time.

In other news, we bought a cart with three hanging baskets on it for laundry from the Container Store. I love it so much I’m going to do all the laundry from here on out.

— Kevin, 7:50 AM EST, Washington DC