It’s 5:30 AM in Nashville

Trip Data So Far:

  • Driving Time: 12:05
  • Miles: 709.3
  • Gallons of Gas: 22.444
  • MPG Average: 31.60
  • MPH Average: 58.72

The above numbers for time and average speed include all stops at gas stations, rest areas, taking pictures, etc.

We had a great visit to Mountain Lake last night. We had dinner there, which was delicious, and toured the ballroom with a nice lady named Beth. Adam took us around the grounds on a golf cart and showed us a room in the hotel and three different cabin layouts. We took pictures of it all, and once I get the photos section up and running, we will post those.

I was having some problems with editing the blog earlier due to a coding problem that was my fault. I’ve fixed the issue for now but it will merit further work at some point.

We rolled into Nashville at about 5:00 AM. We went to a gas station for our second fillup of the trip and to top off the tires (they were five PSI down in the back and two down in the front … good gas mileage here we come!). We headed downtown to find the Ryman Auditorium, which we located with the help of the Internet device (we are such nerds) and took photos. Broadway in Nashville is awesome … tons of bars, delicious smelling barbecue, neon lights everywhere … I wish I was there at 5:30 at night instead of 5:30 in the morning. Oh, and Nashville people aren’t early risers, because 5:30 was absolutely dead in town.

On to Memphis! 200 miles until we are out of Tennessee. I’m tired and I’m going back to sleep. I’m sure we’ll be stupid tourists in Memphis too so I’ll post some details about that. If anyone has any good breakfast ideas between Nashville and Memphis, give us a call!

— Kevin, 5:30 AM CST, Nashville TN

Cross-Country Trip, First Post

We’ve started our trek across the country! I have been so busy with everything lately that I wasn’t able to get the blog section of the website up and running before we left. However, since we have the Internet anywhere device, I was able to complete the blog section on the road, and I am typing this post as we are barreling down I-81 through Virginia. It’s currently 7:30 PM.

To see an approximate map of our route, click here (courtesy of Google Maps).

The stats on the trip are as follows:

Predicted Total Mileage: 5837

Estimated Driving Time: 90 hours

States Expecting to Visit: 20 + DC: DC, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland.

The itinerary is:

Wednesday, 06/20/07, 3:15 PM: Leave DC for Pembroke, VA.

Wednesday, 06/20/07, 8:30 PM: Arrive at Mountain Lake Resort, which is our number one choice for a wedding site. It is the resort that they used in Dirty Dancing, for anyone who remembers. We’re going to do a tour, take some pictures, ask some questions, and maybe grab some food.

Wednesday, 06/20/07 – Friday 06/22/07: Drive to Prescott, AZ via I-81 to I-40. Andrew Horvath, a good friend of mine since pre-kindergarten, is getting married to a lovely young lady named Samantha Knight in Prescott (her hometown). Our first long-term destination is Prescott for the rehearsal dinner and wedding. I am an usher, along with my good friend Sean. Andrew and Samantha’s wedding website is located here:

Friday, 06/22/07, 5:30 PM: Rehearsal dinner.

Friday, 06/22/07, 8:00 PM and on: Drinking and/or debauchery. Probably not for long because we will be beat from driving like maniacs and we need to get up early for …

Saturday, 06/23/07, 3:00 AM: Bear in mind that this is 3AM Arizona time, which is two hours off of eastern time (I think) … Driving to the Grand Canyon to beat the sunrise.

Saturday, 06/23/07, 5:30 AM ish: Taking pictures of the sunrise and playing kissyface at the Grand Canyon. So sappy. So tired.

Saturday, 06/23/07: 8:00 AM ish: Arrive back at the hotel to pass out for a few hours before we have to get ready for the wedding.

Saturday, 06/23/07, 3:00 PM: Wedding ceremony. Reception follows.

Sunday, 06/24/07: At some point, drive to Bullhead City, AZ to meet up with Carol and Ben, Kelsey’s brother-in-law’s Mom and her husband. Spending the day with them and crashing there overnight.

Monday, 06/25/07: Go to Vegas. Blow some money. Maybe get married at the Elvis chapel. Just kidding. Maybe. Drive to Montana when we’re done.

Tuesday, 06/26/07: Arrive at Emigrant, Montana, at Kelsey’s sister Lennae and her husband Jim’s place. They manage a ranch for hunters near the north entrance of Yellowstone National Park. The ranch is really big. Lots of acres. Like a ton of them. Seriously. Multiple lakes big. Your house is like an ant compared to this place. Check out the website here, ant house dweller:

Friday, 06/29/07: Leave for Mount Rushmore.

Saturday, 06/30/07: Arrive at Mount Rushmore. Take pictures. Throw rocks.

Sunday 06/30/07: Arrive back in DC. Sleep the sleep of the dead.

Working on the photos section now so you can do more to live vicariously through us …

— Kevin, 7:30 PM EST, Roanoke VA