It’s a boy!

Dillon Fletcher Miles Forrester was born on Saturday, February 4th at 8:41 PM at the Glens Falls Hospital. He weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and measured 19″ long. Everyone is happy and healthy. I took some time this afternoon to run out to a cafe with Internet access to post some photos – enjoy!

The first time all four of us were together after Dillon was born.
The first time all four of us were together after Dillon was born.
Dillon spent most of his first day sleeping.
Dillon spent most of his first day sleeping.


Rayleigh gives Dillon his first hug from her.
Rayleigh gives Dillon his first hug from her.

6 responses to “It’s a boy!

  1. Aww congrats all the way from Korea!!! What a great email/post to read! So happy for both of you. Keep the pictures coming!!


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