Today marks Dillon’s 3 week birthday! I am thrilled to report we are all doing great. We’ve been so busy/tired/self-consumed we have been terrible about keeping in touch and returning phone calls so I’ll try to address the questions everyone has been asking and give you some other details along the way.
Kevin and I spent the first two weeks enjoying the family we created and adjusting to life with a second child and with a newborn. Dillon has been a great baby and Rayleigh has been a fantastic big sister.
Last weekend Kevin’s parents and brother came for a visit. We enjoyed a relaxing weekend of good food and good company. Kevin’s mom (Mimi) stayed through the week to help me/us transition back to reality after our two week hiatus! She was wonderfully helpful- allowing me to take a much needed afternoon nap nearly every afternoon and cooking for us everyday.
On February 7th we went to the pediatrician for his check up, here’s the statistics:
Height- 19.5″, Weight: 6lbs 7 oz, Head Circumference: 13.5″ All was good.
About a week later we returned for a weight check he weighed 7lb 4oz a pound up from his birth weight – a perfect bill of health!
This past Wednesday Rayleigh had her 18 month check up- she also got a perfect bill of health.
Her statistics were weight: 22.5 lbs, height: 33 3/4″, head circumference: basically she is tall and thin.
While we were there for her appointment we used the scale to weight Dillon- this would have put him a day older than Rayleigh was when she was born according to due dates… our little chubby man weighed in at 9 lbs 4 oz! He’s a good eater what can I say.
Immediately after his birth we purchased a few preemie outfits- he was so tiny he was swimming in newborn clothes, the diapers came to his knees. Now he is fully filling out newborn outfits, the preemie outfits come to his knees and the diapers are now looking fashionable (well as fashionable as diapers can).
She is learning and mastering new skills on what seems like a daily basis. Here’s some of the highlights- her vocabulary is exploding nearly 50 words clear with more added daily including manner based words- please, thank you and you’re welcome, she can dress/undress herself with limited help, eats well with utensils, and is incredible helpful with ordinary tasks- putting clothes away, laundry, unloading/loading a dishwasher, dusting etc. The newest amusement to those around has been her ability to recall stories- like- the dog next door stretched, the squirrel went up the tree, I feel and bonked my head, etc.
There hasn’t been much else new to report here. Thank you to all for the gifts, congratulations, and phone calls. I will work on getting in touch with the rest of you soon. Please feel free to call or stop by, we love visitors!
As a late night parting gift here’s a ‘smile’ from the little mister, I recognize that true smiles aren’t part of his skill set yet but this will do for now.
No words can describe how cute Dillon’s first smile is… my heart is melted! Congratulations guys!!!!
~Kendra & Marcus
What a wonderful family you have. Dillon is quite a handsome young man, and Rayleigh has grown up so fast and is a beautiful young lady. Congratulations to all of you!