Time Flies

Wow!  Time is flying by.

High Flying Kite
High Flying Kite


April Showers have left May mud puddles! Rayleigh loves the water- in any form. On a recent walk she managed to find every puddle along the way. She has also started to sport pig tails regularly.

Puddle Splashing
Puddle Splashing

Last week Mimi came to visit for a few days. We all enjoyed her company.  After a dreary week we decided to go to the Children’s Museum in Saratoga Springs, NY.  Some of the activities are geared at a slightly older audience but she had a good time! She particularly loved the club house.

Rayleigh looking our the Club House Window
Rayleigh looking our the Club House Window

Dillon coped well with the over stimulation…

Dillon sleeping at the CM
Dillon sleeping at the CM


On Sunday we met up with a friend and her son (about a year older than Rayleigh) at Crandall Park in Glens Falls for some kite flying on the VERY breezy day! The wind was perfect and Rayleigh was able to fly the kite by herself.

Rayleigh flying a kite.
Rayleigh flying a kite.

The wind was so strong the kite actually pulled her around the field ( think big dog on a leash style).

Rayleigh being pulled by the kite.
Rayleigh being pulled by the kite.

The kite is actually Kevin’s from his youth. He has two, this one and a stunt kite.  Both have made at least one annual trip the beach since we’ve been together (8 years) it wasn’t until Saturday that I ever saw his stunt kite in the air! Unfortunately, the wind pulled my budding kite enthusiast to a tree so I was distracted during photographing Kevin.

Kite stuck in a tree.
Kite stuck in a tree.

Rayleigh’s vocabulary is growing daily and Dillon is adding more cooing to his daily routine.  Her imagination is developing too. Here she is playing with a Christmas gift.  Notice the delight of feeding the giraffe and ignore the uncropped recycling container.

Rayleigh feeding the giraffe
Rayleigh feeding the giraffe

Although her choice of activities is growing (see below for table dancing) she usually wants to be doing it “with” Dillon or at least as close as possible.

Rayleigh coloring next to Dillon
Rayleigh coloring next to Dillon


Rayleigh dancing on the table
Rayleigh dancing on the table

Kevin and I are doing well.  Enjoying domesticity and parenthood.

Kevin and Dillon
Kevin and Dillon

I’m attempting to get this up to date.  There are lots more photos in the kids’ respective albums so feel free to browse.  As for me while writing this post Rayleigh took all the paper off  her crayons.  Threw the crayons in the garbage and put the wrappers back in the box.  So I’m off to go rummaging.  Enjoy the post.

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