
Kevin and Kelsey on the Continental Divide. (Kelsey is always climbing.) Notice Kevin is in sandals.

Ida Lake

Ida Lake is at the top of a pass and is located on the Continental Divide. Water from one side of the lake drains to the Atlantic, and water from the other side of the lake drains to the Pacific. The differences in the amount of snow on the ground based on elevation in the … Continued


Steam coming off of one of the larger hot springs at West Thumb Geyser Basin.


The blue water is created by thermophiles – heat loving bacteria. (Thermo = heat; phile = lover)


A cool piece of driftwood on Lake Yellowstone.

Cook on a Hook

Fishermen used to catch fish and dip them in this hot spring to cook them while they were still on the hook. This procedure caused the hot spring to clog up, though, and is now banned.

Growing Thing

There was some kind of plant life growing in this hot spring that swayed with the changes in the currents of the water.

Underwater Fumarole

The volcanic activity in Yellowstone creates underwater gas vents, or fumaroles, which look like holes or small caves in the bottom of the lake.

Geysers in the lake

Some of the geysers were actually in the West Thumb of Yellowstone Lake. Kevin took this artsy photo.


The cold morning made it easy to see the steam coming off all the geyser basins.


Bubbling geysers are generally releasing gas not boiling- although the water is very warm.


The geysers have different colors and textures depending on the bacteria in them- this on looked like chocolate milk.

West Thumb

The West Thumb Geyser Basin- Kelsey made sure the coast was clear for everyone else.


Photograph of Paul the Photographer. Getting the money shot of the lake.

Scat Machine

This machine was used to clean the groovers after the trip.


Our Guide Staff for the trip- they did great! Maybe someday Kelsey can be in that photo too!

Our Trip

Guides and guests of the maiden voyage of Rocky Mountain River Tours 2009.

Dream House

Kelsey’s dream house- accessible only by raft across the river an away from civilization.

Back Upstream

Look upstream from the takeout. With all that blue sky it is hard to believe we had hail an hour before.

Turbid Waters

The clarity of the water was dramatic- the clear water of the middle meets the turbid water of the main salmon.


The end of the trip. The Confluence of the Middle Fork – what we are on and the Main Salmon joining from the right of this photo.


White water is the best.